Fapt divers: rasa Mîţei este albastru de Rusia.
The Russian Blue is known for being a very intelligent and active animal. They have been known to open doors/windows, play fetch, and are sensitive to basic human emotions. They enjoy playing with a variety of toys and develop extremely loyal bonds to their loved ones. The Russian Blue is also known for getting along very well with other pets and children in a household. They are known also for being quiet and clean animals that are normally reserved around strangers, unless they are brought up in a very active household.
Şi mîţa mea e din rasa asta doar că e mult mai leneş, fomist, nepăsător şi gras :| Cât despre inteligenţă, cred că papagalul pe care l-a muşcat şi încă trăieşte e mai inteligent decât el.
Tot respectul pentru dl. papagal veteran de razboi!
deci ne-am inteles, domnul (?) mit e un mic monstru infometat.
hai ca-mi place (: seamana cu mine.